Thanks so much again for visiting this entry.
This is the guidelines how you can become my agent for SCARF SECRET brand :)
1. Kindly register for starter kit cost only RM65 - what will you get when you pay ?
i) One shawl + free postage + whole catalogue of the month
ii) Added to whatsapp group for more fast stock in and out info
iii) Additional tools and marketing knowledge shared for expanding business
2. Start selling - offline or online, copy photo or catalogue in your FB, instagram, twitter, blog - with discount as per below ;
NOTE : important note : agent to order with us at least 5 shawls per order
- Selling 5 pieces - RM45 ( for simply stylish shawl, Market price = RM59 )
- Selling 10 pieces - RM40 ( for simply stylish shawl , Market price = RM59 )
The simply reason why i requested those who wanted to become an agent to register RM60 is because of COMMITMENT reason. On top of that, i need my agent to feel the material of the scarf before they can start selling so that they can feel comfortable when the customers ask them for any input. Typical Malaysian customer, they have lots of inquiries. :) Please entertain them politely :)
Now, you must wanted to know, What is the ADVANTAGE OF THIS SCARF SECRET brand ? Click HERE and digest :)
Thanks so much for reading.
Authorized Scarf Secret Stockist
Whatsapp 013-982-2263
Yes, I want to make Up To RM10 Everytime I Share A youtube Video on Social media sites.
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